Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year!

Good morning, good evening and hello to you people.

I apologize for my lack of posting but I have had far to much to drink over the festive period and forgot my password. An embarrassing state of affairs I am sure you will agree.

In the last few weeks I have continued to run, less road more trail, and train and generally enjoy running about like a tiny child.

Not that I am a tiny child I am a fully grown Meerkat man, or something.

I have enjoyed my Santa outfit during the festive period but as the new year approaches I feel I now need something more suitable to wear for our next race - Hell Runner Hell Down South - sounds daunting doesn't it.

Anyways something I didn't realise until a few weeks ago when I went for a little trail run with Geoff and Chris is that I am a barefoot runner. I thought everyone ran like this.

It turns out that people don't run like this. Apparently you all cover your feet for protection. This is fine and I understand this but what I don't get is how it changes the way you run. When I run I mostly run on the front of my feet bouncing from step to step. When you all run it seems you stamp from heel to heel. Or thats how it looks to my untrained eye.

This became more apparent when running with Chris and Geoff and they were sliding about all over the place. I was placing one foot lightly and skipping between mud and they were sliding with the increased weight and force they were putting down. It meant Chris actually fell over and twisted his knee - he needs putting down and turning into glue.

When we went running on Christmas Eve Eve we went with Geoff, Chris and Dave. Dave runs very steadily like a man who is a veteran of many races. Light short steps allowing him to maintain a very consistent pace and still have enough in the tank to beast away from us all towards the end of the run. It is enjoyable to run with different people and see how they approach running.

It made me think, a lot of advertising and people who do run subscribe to this 'just run' mantra. But isn't running like any other sport? There is technique and training and practice. If you don't do something right then you will get hurt or go slow or not as far as you wanted. If you get it right then you will go faster, smoother and better.

Which means surely everyone who runs needs to think first about how they run. More than anything. After all when we are pups we run in a very different way to which most people run when they are adults. So why the change? If you spend the first 10-12 years of your life running about in one way why do you suddenly change that way of running when you get older?

Is that better? I run the same way I have always run - being that I don't wear shoes to change the angle of my foot or the position I am in.

Doesn't this mean that my muscles and tendons and other fleshy bits are now just moving and responding in a way in which they always have?

Doesn't that mean I won't get as injured as if I change the way I run due to some piece of equipment I am wearing?

Just some thoughts anyways.

Not that I know much, after all I am just a Meerkat that runs.



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